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Piracy tax may be added to PC’s in Germany

Submitted by on 6/1/05 – 12:00No Comment

fujitsu-siemens_logoPC manufactuer Fujitsu-Siemens has lost a controversal case in the Munich district court against German copyright management firm, VG Wort.

The judgement against them will add at least €12 to a new PC. VG Wort had originally wanted €30 to be added but this was reduced by the court which accepted the argument that a PC should fall into the same classification as blank video tapes as they can be used by pirates to duplicate copyright material.

VG Wort is now seeking to levy this charge upon all manufactuers in Germany designed to recompense the copyright owners who may be loosing revenue.

Fujitsu-Siemens is expected to appeal against the decision which could also cover printers and scanners.

VG Wort

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