Articles in Arts, Culture and Music
There was a time when Ireland was the powerhouse of Eurovision. Consistently kicking out tunes which the other countries loved. Not sure if the costs of hosting the contest each year pleased Irish TV but we all enjoyed it 🙂
Back in Berlin again! Mind you it’s hard to leave it when it comes to the vibrant art, music and cultural scene second to none. This time its to look at the new album from Ersatzmusika called “Songs Unrecantable”.
Blimey! These are going for it with full Balkan force! A great Eurovision song this from Igor Cukrov and Andrea called “Lijepa Tena”. A good guess for high marks, excluding those from it’s neighbours.
Expect high marks for this one from Bosnia’s neighbours as is the political vote provided in the Balkans. It’s not a bad affair with socialist style visuals and a reasonable song.
Plucky little Malta down there in the sun has come up with a song which seems to have the signs of having been written by a committee sadly. Chiara gives it a good go but something nor quite there with this song called “What If We”.
Portugal isn’t a country known for great Eurovision sucesses. It’s good to find them still competing in the wake of recent voting paterns for East European participants.