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New cameras from Leica!

Submitted by on 9/9/09 – 22:37No Comment

leica m9Leica isn’t a firm which releases new models often. It’s usually content to sit on the fringe of the camera owning crowds with a dedicated and fearlessly loyal bunch of users and with much justification too. Optically their lenses are among the finest around and their expensive camera bodies don’t drop in value as much as their other brands. Once upon a time before Japanese firms became dominant it was German cameras which the world wanted and Leica is one of the few which have survived.

Today then is quite an event for Leica fans. Two new models are on the shelves including a long desired and technically very impressive full frame digital rangefinder. This is quite an achievement as the difficulties of light hitting the sensor at the wrong angle in a shallow rangefinder body has been a difficult technical problem to overcome.

This isn’t going to be a camera for the masses but it’s one to be desired and treasured.

leica_x1_01Alongside the very splendid M9 is a new compact camera which, like the Sigma DP2, has a large sensor usually found in SLR bodies. The X1 is a beautiful little camera and a worthy addition to anyone’s bag.

Why not pop over the the Leica website at http://www.leica-camera.com and take a look for yourself.

But don’t blame us if you feel the desire to own one too. We already have our noses pressed to the shop window sighing!

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