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Pigeons help restoration workers rediscover 15th century fresco

Submitted by on 26/6/04 – 12:00No Comment

f_14283_f5599fd35d20f9e6cfe0bd8141e4cfbcAt Valencia, Spain an art restoration team with the help of some pigeons have re-discovered a 15th century fresco that had been covered up for more than 300 years.

The team had been working on the large dome of the cathedral removing paint and pigeons flying in through a hole. Javier Catala, the team leader, decided to stick a digital camera through the hole and took pictures blindly. The results showed partial but fabulous images of the preserved fresco.

f_14279_04ea034ec09a37746aaa7d1fefc445e4The fresco, it is believed, was painted in 1481 by the Italian painters Francesco Pagano and Paolo de San Leocadio and is one of the earliest surviving examples of Italian renaissance art.


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