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National Dance House Gathering and Arts and Crafts Fair, Budapest

Submitted by on 26/3/09 – 09:24No Comment

item_41534The National Dance House Gathering and Arts and Crafts Fair (Országos Táncháztalálkozó és Kirakodó Vásár) is a spectacular large-scale meeting of folk musicians, folk dancers, folk artists and masters of the crafts.

Professional performers, children and adult folk dance ensembles, amateurs, music school students and folk artists preserving traditions all perform here annually at the beginning of April. Linked to the Budapest Spring Festival, this spectacular event provides an opportunity for Hungarians of the Carpathian Basin and for the various nationalities living in Hungary to perform.

Among the permanent events of the gathering and fair are the craft workshops, educational craft shows, folk dance performances, introduction of folk artists preserving tradition, national costume shows, folk music concerts, film screenings, book presentations, dance performances, dance lessons, exhibitions of and presentations of instruments, handcraft workshops and craft presentations for children. The highlight of the event is the gala performance and the night ball.


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